Privacy Policy

CSO Yachts thanks you to visit our website, as well as the interest you manifest toward our team. This page informs you about our business, your rights while using CSO Yachts’ website and how do we collect information and their use.

Company responsible for publications:

Claude Schmitt Organisation, 45 Boulevard de la Croisette, 06400 Cannes, France
Limited liability Company (LLC) with a capital of 7,500 EUROS

Commercially registered in France:

415 043 306

Company hosting the website:

OVH – 2 Rue Kellerman 59100 Roubaix 1007 France

Data Protection Office:


Collection, use, storage and protection of personal data

In accordance with the European law on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: n°2016-679), please find under the list of information we collect on our website, their usage, storage and how we protect them.

The collection of personal data is applicable only:

  • When you fill out a form from our services of ‘Newsletters’, ‘VIP Zone’ or when an enquiry about a product is done.
  • When you take contact with one of our broker, employees or business intermediary by phone, email or any other communication means.
  • When you interact with us on Social Media
  • When the data are available publicly and/or when they are public due to a law
  • When you authorize a third-party to share with CSO Yachts the information it has on you.
  • When you ask to contact us through a third-party website where the service of a product is done by CSO Yachts.


Use of the data

The personal data collected throughout our services are:

  • Name, Surname, mailing address, email address, phone number, anniversary, company, title, sex and nationality.
  • Commercial preferences regarding our sale, charter or management activities
  • Copies of identity documents (passport and/or identity card). In this case the collection of image will be done in addition of other personal data.
  • Information about your bank details (bank, account number) during a transaction linked to CSO Yachts activities
  • Only with activities linked to our charter services, preferences about your lifestyle, comments and physical handicap.
  • Curriculum Vitae and previous professional experience in the case of an job offer, spontaneous application and/or when you contact with a management agent, or a manager.
  • Relative data to the interaction on social media


The use of personal data

  • Optimization of services provided by CSO Yachts in a charter related activity
  • To protect CSO Yachts and its clients against any type of fraud or illegal activities.
  • To ensure the good process of financial operations linked to the commercial activities of the company.
  • Analysis to optimize the different marketing tools the company uses and to provide promotional content in a personalized way.


Time of conservation

The storage of personal data is up to 36 months maximum after the last contact from you. Respecting the conformity with the European General Data Protection Regulation, you can ask at any time the suppression, modification or consultation of your data in our systems except if a law or any regulation demands it, in that case you will not be contacted by CSO Yachts.


Protection of personal data

The personal information that we gather are saved in a secure environment. The people working with us are due to respect the confidentiality of your information. To ensure the safety of your data, we use the following measures:

  • Access Management – authorized person
  • Access Management – concerned person
  • Login / Password
  • Firewall
  • Computer saves

CSO Yachts do not share personal data, except in the following cases

  • With the information systems used by our brokers and employees of CSO Yachts
  • With the banking identities for commercial purposes
  • With other yachting agencies
  • With the mandatory suppliers
  • With the authorities and law enforcement for any fraud or illegal activities

We are committed to maintain a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations assuring the confidentiality of your transactions and data. Nevertheless, as none of the mechanisms offer a maximal security, a part of the risk is always present when the use of Internet is require to transmit personal data.


Your rights on personal data

For any citizen from the European Union, the rights of erasing, as well as the right of modifications and access to your personal data are applicable. For any request about that matter, please contact us by:

  • Mail to CSO Yachts, 45 Boulevard de la Croisette, 06400 Cannes – France
  • Email at with the object: “Rights on personal data”.

From the moment of reception of your enquiry about your rights, we will respond within the 30 following days.


A cookie is a small text file saved by a website on your hard drive. Cookies do not damage your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies on our web pages do not collect any personal data regarding your person. At any moment, you can desactivate the usage of cookies via the parameters of your browser. The storage of those information is no longer than 30 days. In general, our websites possess cookies only for analytics purposes and to upgrade the user experience. If cookies were to be used in other matter, you will be informed beforehand.

This is a list of cookies used and their objectives:

Cookies Google Analytics: web analytics

The data that you give us directly are used in the mean of re-contacting you and/or in the case of a enquiry that you have done. The data “web analytics” are collected on a anonymous format (by saving anonymous IP addresses) by Google Analytics, and allow us to measure the audience of the website, pages visited as well as errors that might occur to improve constantly the user experience. Those data are used by CSO Yachts, responsible for the treatment of data and will never be shared with a third-party or used to other meanings than the ones listed above.

All specifications are given in good faith and offered for informational purposes only. CSO Yachts do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed. Yacht inventory, specifications, charter and sales prices are subject to change without prior notice. None of the texts and/or photos used on this website may be reproduced without written consent from CSO Yachts.

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